Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLast week, in my introduction to this letter, I said this letter will be a study in contrasts
And those contrasts will center around the differences between the old ways, in which God gave revelation to men, and the new and better way
The old ways were not wrong, just incomplete
Those earlier portions were designed as stepping stones, creating a path leading us to a full and better understanding
And Who was at the end of that path? Christ
So the writer’s goal in writing this letter, is to persuade Jewish believers to abandon a devotion to the old ways and lean entirely on Christ and the New Covenant
Now last week, I also pointed out that this letter is squarely focused on the differences between what came in the Old Covenant vs. the New Covenant
And that’s true
And there are still Christians today – Gentile Christians – who need to hear this message
Christians who have a romanticized interest in all things Jewish
The Law, the festivals, the language, the culture, the teachings, etc.
And for some, that interest becomes spiritually unhealthy, as it begins to emphasize the necessity of these old things
Even to the point of trying to combine the two worlds in an unintended way
For those Christians, this letter (along with the letter to the Galatians) stands as a witness against such thinking
But what about those of us who have no interest in the old, who have embraced the new, without the baggage of the old?
How does this letter speak to us?
As I also said last week, we will still find a lot we can learn from the writer’s contrasts
In particular, this writer punctuates his contrasts with five well-known warnings to the reader
Each warning follows from an example, in which the writer illustrates how failure to move forward along that path of spiritual maturity leaves us vulnerable to serious set-backs
So even if the issues holding us back are different than those of first century Jewish culture, the consequences are the same
So let’s return to the letter at the end of the introductory verses and into the first contrast offered by the author
We already examined the meaning of the first half of v.3, so we pick up in the middle of that verse
The writer finishes his description of the greatness of Christ by saying He is the One Who upholds everything by the Word of His power
Paul says something similar in Colossians
We noted last week, that Jesus is the member of the Godhead responsible for the Creation process
By His Word, all things were made
And all things are held together by the power of His Word
It’s natural to hear those words, as if Christ is actively keeping the universe from falling apart, as if He is working to keep Creation intact
But that’s not the accurate sense of these words in Greek
The world was created by the Word of Christ, and then He ceased the Creation process, Gen. 2 tells us
The Lord rested from the work of Creation
We see the writer repeat this truth at the end of v.3
The idea of sitting down reflects the right of a Master to sit while His servants continue working for Him
So Jesus is not actively working to keep the universe from falling apart
Instead, the writer is saying the Creation exists because of the power of God’s Word to create it in the first place
And in that sense, the Lord holds it together by the power of His Word
Moreover, the Greek word for “uphold” includes the meaning of “carrying forward”
So the full sense of these words is that Christ brought the world into existence by the power of His Word
And the Lord’s Word is also carrying the Creation forward to its appointed end
Christ’s Word made the ship and Christ’s Word is steering the ship into port
And in the meantime, the Lord has assumed a position seated at the right hand of the Father
To sit at the right hand of a sovereign means that person is the most important person, after the sovereign himself
So by the position of Christ in the Throne Room of God, we know there is no one in the Heavens more important to the Father than the Son
This makes sense, when we remember that all Creation exists to know and serve the Lord
If all Creation owes its existence to Him
Then it stands to reason that everything in Creation exists to serve Christ in some way
So now the writer is prepared to address his first topic of old vs. new.
If Jesus is the Creator of all things
And if He is second in importance only to the Father Himself
Then logically, we must conclude that nothing in the Creation can be as great as Jesus
He is the Name above all names
Names are given to created things
When God created the animals, He appointed Adam to give them names
When we make something, we name it
Names are an indication that something had a beginning, and if something had a beginning, then it had a creator
But God the Father and God the Spirit have never been created, having never been made incarnate
So they do not have names given them
They call themselves “I AM”
But the second Person of the Godhead chose to enter the Creation as a man, and therefore, He was given a name: the Father gave Him the Name Jesus (Yeshua)
So Jesus is the Name above all other names
In other words, among all things in creation, He is the greatest
And since this is true, we can know that Jesus is greater than any other created messenger or representative that God has ever sent to men, including angels
In v.4, the writer says that Jesus has a more excellent name than the angels
The word “angel” means “messenger”
Angels were a prominent part of Jewish religious life
They were second in importance only to God Himself
By the time Jesus came to earth, Jewish culture had practically venerated angels
We can see this in the Dead Sea Scrolls
The Essenes living at Qumran displayed a highly developed angelology in their writings
They possessed a book called the “Angel Scroll”
And another book, supposedly written by the archangel Michael
And to some extent, we see this angelic fascination re-emerging in some Christian circles
It’s almost a superstitious, or new age, approach
Some believe in so-called guardian angels
And false cults have been born out of appearances of “angels of light” that appeared with new messages for the faithful
It’s not hard to see how Jewish culture became so fascinated by angels, when we notice how often the Lord uses angels, both in the Old Testament and in our day
When they appeared to men, angels usually came in powerful and imposing ways
They often created great fear, which caused angels to preface their message with the standard greeting, “Do not fear”
I like to think that angels wear name tags that say “Hello, I’m Michael. Do not fear.”
And they came bearing a message from God
As we look across all the major moments of revelation in the Old Testament, we find angels serving as the messenger of God
For example, let’s take a little test
Who spoke to Hagar in the desert in Gen. 21?
Who spoke to Abraham with Isaac on the mountain in Gen. 22?
Who told Jacob and Rachel to leave Laban and return to Canaan?
Who appeared to Moses in the burning bush?
Who went ahead of the Israelites in a pillar of cloud?
Who protected Daniel in the lion’s den?
Who spoke to Balaam through the mouth of a donkey?
Who told Gideon to rise up and defeat the Midianites?
In all cases, the test of Scripture mentions an angel as the messenger
In particular, we find one kind of “angel” at the center of these revelations: the angel of the Lord
This is no ordinary angel
In fact, the term “angel of the Lord’ is an Old Testament reference to the Second Person of the Godhead
A pre-incarnate Christ
So in reality, these moments were not what they seemed
But the Jewish reader saw the word “angel” and came away thinking that angels were all-important to God
So in the first century, some Jewish believers were struggling to give Christ His proper place in their worship
In fact, these Jews still viewed angels as a superior messenger to the Messiah
And if an angel is superior to Messiah, then certainly the message delivered by an angel must be superior to the message entrusted to Jesus
So the writer must convince his readers that the Messiah is greater than an angel
Otherwise, he has no hope to convince them that Christ’s message is greater than the ones delivered by angels
To do this, the writer will draw his proof from the Jews’ own Scriptures, the Old Testament
From vs.5-13, the writer gives evidence that the Word of God has always declared the Messiah’s superiority to angels
Let’s look at each piece of “evidence” the writer cites and understand how it proves his argument that Christ is greater than angels
The whole section is set off by an inclusio, which is a literary device intended to highlight a section of the text
You can see the beginning and end of the inclusio in v.5, and again in v.13
The same phrase, “to which of the angels did He ever say...” opens the section and closes the section
In v.5, the writer begins his proofs with a quote from Psalms 2:7, where God speaking, calls the Messiah His Son
The Lord uses the word “son” to describe different actors in Creation
He calls believers “sons of God”
He calls the angels “sons of God”
But there is only One the Father says is His Son (singular)
And only this One has been begotten of the Father
The word “only begotten” is monogenes in Greek, which means “the only one who comes forth from the Father”
No one else has come, or will come, forth from the Father to represent the Godhead in Creation
Only the Messiah holds that special place
So Psalms 2 taught that there was to be one special representative of the Father, that is, the Messiah
No angel can measure up to that place
Then in v.6, the writer draws a second proof from Deut. 32:43
If you go to Deut. 32:43 in your English translation, you’re not going to find what you’re looking for
Because this writer always quotes from the Septuagint (LXX)
And in the LXX, Deut. 32:43 reads this way:
Speaking of the coming Messiah, Moses said that all the angels of God will worship Him
Surely, if angels worship the Messiah, then He must be a greater messenger than the angels themselves
Next, in v.7, the writer quotes from Psalm 104 (which is numbered Psa.103 in the LXX) where David says that Christ created the angels
Notice that the psalm opens with the Creation story
The Lord, who is Christ, is making all things
And among the things Christ made are the angels
And the writer compares the angels to wind and fire
Fleeting vapors
Things that have a beginning and end
Things that serve a purpose in the Creation, but cannot compare to the Author of all things
Then in vs.8-12, the writer highlights the contrast by emphasizing the eternal nature of the Messiah
First, in vs.8-9, the writer quotes from Psa. 45, where Jesus is called the God Who sits on an eternal throne
Obviously, angels are never called God and have no thrones
In fact, angels get very nervous anytime a human dares to attempt to worship them
The last time an angel demanded men worship him, it did not turn out well for that angel!
And in v.9, the Messiah is described as anointed by His Father to be above all companions, including angels
Then in v.10-12, the writer quotes from Psa. 102 to show that unlike angels and the rest of Creation, the Messiah existed before the beginning of Creation
And unlike the Creation, the Lord will never come to an end
The Lord is eternal and unchanging, but the Creation is wearing out like a garment and must be changed into something new one day
The writer is reflecting on the curse God pronounced on Creation in the Garden, after the fall in Gen. 3
In the Garden, the Lord pronounced a curse on the physical earth and all that comes from the earth
Literally, everything in the earth comes from the earth
God called forth all plant life from earth
The animals were formed from the dirt of the ground, Gen 2 tells us
And the first man was created from the ground
And the first woman was created from the body of the first man
So literally, everything traces its origin to the earth
Therefore, when the earth was cursed for sin, the entire earth was directed to come to an end one day, to wear out and be replaced
And with it, all that comes from it
Including our physical bodies, which must die because of the curse on the ground
This is the course the writer was speaking about earlier, when he said that God’s Word upholds the world
That Word, spoken so long ago in the Garden, is still directing the course of the universe and our earth
Everything is wearing out just as God proclaimed it would
And the manner of its destruction is prescribed as well: it will wear out
God said that everything came from dust (or dirt) and so to dirt it will return
This implies a process of disintegration, and sure enough, that’s what we see happening in the world
In fact, this process is so predictable and universal that scientists have labeled it the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
All energy in the universe moves from high ordered states to lower ordered states
We call it “entropy”
We live entropy every day
Our world is deteriorating around us
Our houses and cars and clothes are all falling apart
Our bodies are dying a little bit everyday
Healthy living is just the slowest possible way to die
And we can see the grace of the Lord in the way He decreed a slow wearing away
Before men face the judgment that follows death, they’re given plenty of reason to consider what comes after death
Every person can see that life ends sooner or later
And more than that, we can see the end approaching in our own life
We can’t ignore our body’s deterioration; mortality stares us in the face every time we look in the mirror
So we have all the more reason to get right with God before it’s too late
In contrast to that dying, corrupt Creation and all that it contains, we find a supreme, perfect, incorruptible, eternal Messiah Who is guiding this world to its appointed end
He has conquered sin and the death it necessitates
One day, He will bring all His enemies to a final end
And this is the writer’s final proof that the Messiah is the highest, greatest Name above all names, including the angels
Only the Messiah can win this victory
In v.13, the writer ends his inclusio, quoting from Psalm 110, perhaps the greatest Messianic psalms pound for pound
Only seven verses, but it’s packed with descriptions of Christ
Including that he will remain seated in that place of honor, at the right hand of the Father, until all God’s enemies are under Christ’s feet
In other words, Christ’s ruling over Creation will continue until all the enemies of God are gone
This is an honor and authority nothing else in the Creation can possibly equal, certainly not angels
We serve a Lord Who made all things, Who controls all things, Who will defeat all enemies
And yet He is also the One Who lowered Himself to assume a name in His Creation
The Name above all names
So that He could stand in our place, taking the curse of Creation upon His own body for the sake of our sin
And then He rose again to fulfill His mission in destroying the enemies of God
This is the Messiah, the One and Only in Whom we place our trust for salvation
The One with Whom no angel can compare
What do we do with this truth?
If we’re not careful, we can be tempted to diminish Christ’s power in our life, relative to some other source of power
Luck, chance, our own efforts, the enemy
How many Christians refer to Satan’s power as if it is somehow in contention with Christ’s?
The idea that some days Satan is winning, and some days Christ is winning – that is a kind of version of this thinking
Elevating something in the spiritual realm to an equal, if not greater, position than Christ
The effect of this is to compromise our spiritual maturity and our walk of faith
It creates doubts and worries that don’t need to be there
And those things change our behavior
And that’s the writer’s concern, which we’ll study next time in Chapter 2