Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongBack to Chapter 45 and the priestly activities of the Kingdom Temple
Beginning with the offerings and feast days in the Kingdom
The Lord begins with an exhortation to the leaders of Israel to treat the people justly, which we know they will do in the Kingdom
Rather than rob from people or exploit their power, Israel’s leaders would deal fairly with the people, the Lord says
This has always been the Lord’s expectation for those who shepherd His people
And as we learned in previous chapters of Ezekiel, past generations of Israel were victims of corrupt leaders
In fact, Ezekiel is sitting in exile giving these prophecies to his countrymen largely because of the damage done by corrupt leaders
The Lord described the corruption back in Ezekiel 22
The prophets were false and like roaring lions, they devoured the gullible and unsuspecting
They took precious things from the people, which means the prophets used their influence to rob the people
And because they lied to Israel, it led men to act according to their lies leading to their deaths when Babylon attacked
The priests likewise did violence to the law, profaned the holy things of God
They failed to teach the people right from wrong
And they ignored the proper conduct of the law in observing feasts and sabbaths
And finally, the princes (referring to the kings) were like wolves tearing prey
They shed blood by engaging in foolish wars contrary to the Lord’s instructions
And they fought against Babylon, who God sent to discipline His people
This corruption left a gap, a vacuum of good leadership, and the Lord searched for someone to step into that gap He says
But none could be found…until Messiah came
In the Kingdom the Lord promises that Messiah’s leadership will ensure that the princes of the land serve justly
They will not exploit nor abuse the people
In v.10 the Lord declares that these government officials will use just balances
In ancient times, monetary value was established on the basis of weight
A scale or balance would be used to compare the weight of a dry good with a known weight of a precious metal
Similar to the way we purchase vegetables by weight
But if a corrupt merchant wanted to steal from his customers, he could literally tip the scales in his favor
And a king or prince could do the same so that taxes were increased without the people realizing
This had become the practice among Israel’s corrupt leaders
But the Lord says that won’t happen in the Kingdom
In vs.11-12 the Lord assures Israel that an ephah and a bath would be standard, dependable and consistent in that day
An ephah is a dry measure of volume and a bath is a wet measure of volume from that day, and both will be equal in the Kingdom
Likewise shekels, which are units of weight, would not vary
The point is that all business dealings will be fair and trustworthy in that day…another welcome change from today
In other words, we will never need to count our change in the Kingdom
But by the same token, it also confirms there will be an economy in the Kingdom
Money will change hands, goods will be sold and bought, wealth can be transferred and stored…real life!
Then in v.vs.13-17 the Lord specifies the payment the people of Israel would give to the prince, David, for his own offering at the temple
The house of Israel makes this payment to David regularly so that he might offer it to the Lord as a sin offering
Once again, hearing that a sin offering is made for atonement for the house of Israel indicates sin within Israel
If there is sin, then apparently not all who are living in Israel are sinless at this point in history
The allotment required here is significant
One sixth of all grain produced in Israel is given in this offering
As well as one percent of all oil and one out of every 200 animals
Taken from everyone in Israel, this is a lot of material to sacrifice
So as they say, nothing is certain except death and taxes
But which of the two is the more powerful force in the Universe?
Well, consider that in the Kingdom we will no longer experience death…but there will still be taxes!
Next, we have regulations for feasts in the Kingdom
The first day of every year begins with the sacrifice of a young bull to cleanse the sanctuary
Why does the Millennial temple need cleansing? Because sinners enter into it
The blood is placed on the doorpost and four posts of the altar
And then this ceremony is repeated on the seventh day of the first month
The blood of the bull is applied to the doorways of the temple similar to the lamb’s blood on Passover
This sacrifice cleansed the temple for the coming year
Then on the seventh day of the new year, this sacrifice is repeated
Marking the first and last day of the first week suggests Jesus, Who is the beginning of Creation and the Sabbath
Then later that month, on the 14th, the first feast of the year is celebrated; Passover
It begins on the same day as in the Mosaic Law but unlike the current Passover, the new one is seven days long
Under the Mosaic Law, the nation practiced a single day feast for Passover, followed by a seven day feast of Unleavened Bread
Now the Passover is seven days, and there is no separate feast for Unleavened Bread
Other differences exist as well
The Prince officiates over the ritual, instead of each family conducting their own Passover sacrifice
The first day will be marked by sin offering only it’s a bull, not a lamb as it is today
And because it’s a seven-day feast, the sacrifices are made daily during the event – both bulls and rams
There are also differences in the meal offerings
Interestingly, this feast is repeated on the seventh month, which corresponds to the feast of booths or tabernacles
These are the only two feasts mentioned in Ezekiel
So it seems that these are the only feasts observed in the Kingdom
What do we make of the differences between the Passover we have now and the one to come?
>> Image 1
First, every feast in Israel serves the purpose of a historical memorial and a prophetic picture
Historically, these feasts commemorate the work of God on behalf of Israel
The Passover commemorates the death of the first born of Egypt but not Israel
The Feast of Unleavened Bread memorializes the Exodus journey in haste eating unleavened bread
The Feast of First Fruits commemorates the bounty of the provision of the Lord in the Spring harvest, etc.
But these feasts also look forward to a spiritual fulfillment by Christ
Jesus is the Passover Lamb sacrificed on the 14th of Nisan
Jesus leads us away from sin and to the Father (i.e., our Exodus), and He’s our Bread of Life who removes our sin (i.e., unleavened bread)
And Jesus is the first fruits of the resurrection, our bountiful provision, who rose from the dead on the day of First Fruits
So looking at the feasts in the Kingdom, we find two that continue to serve the same purpose
>> Image 2
The feasts of Passover and Tabernacles are the first and the last on the Jewish calendar
And they are the only two that still have prophetic relevance in the Kingdom
The Passover continues to picture Christ’s atoning death, which is still a message that has relevance for sinners in that age
And the Feast of Tabernacles pictures God dwelling with His people in the Kingdom, which is obviously still relevant
But the feasts that fall in between relate to events that take place between these two moments
The resurrection of Jesus, the giving of the Law, the rapture of the church, the destruction of the Tribulation, etc.
These are events that no longer have meaning in the Kingdom
Therefore, it makes sense that in the Kingdom we only remember the two feasts connected to the Kingdom
The first explains how you enter into the rest of God and the second pictures how that rest will be experienced
Now we move into Chapter 46 looking at the Sabbath observance and new moon festivals
The Sabbath observance will continue in the Kingdom, as it did under the Mosaic Law
But there are unique details here, of course
>> Image 3
First, we learn that the inner court’s east door is closed six days of the week
Remember, the outer court east door is always closed, but now we learn that the inner door is also closed most of the time
With that door closed, there is no way for anyone visiting the temple to see the glory of the Lord six days a week
But on the seventh day, the day of rest, the door is opened
So visitors to the temple on that day will be able to stand in front of that gate and look through
>> Image 4
And presumably they might glimpse the glory of the Lord back in the deep recesses of the temple
Remember that only believers will have access to the temple, as we learned earlier, so unbelievers will never see the glory
On the Sabbath, special sacrifices take place but they differ than under the Mosaic Law
Under the Mosaic Law, there are two lambs and a ram for a total of three sheep
Under the Kingdom law, there are six lambs and a ram for total of seven
The meaning of this change in Sabbath sacrifices isn’t immediately clear
The new moon festivals also include a change in offerings
Though again the meaning of the change is unclear except to distinguish it from the Mosaic system
But the significance of the glory of God being visible on the Sabbath (and the meaning of the Sabbath itself) is clear
According to Hebrews 4, the Sabbath is a picture of resting in the work of Christ done on our behalf
So that when we believe in Christ as Messiah, we enter His rest and we rest from our own works – spiritually speaking
So it makes sense that the inner east door opens on the Sabbath, picturing our access to Christ through our Sabbath rest in Him
Also notice that the one officiating in this ceremony is the prince, David
Remember, the inner courtyard is the place for the priests to minister
And now we know that the east door leading into the inner court is open only one day of the week
Which means that most days the only way into the inner court is by the north and south gates leading into the priests’ chambers
So only priests enter into the court six days a week
And on the seventh day, the east gate is opened for David only
This means that we will not see the glory even in our resurrected state, unless you believe Gentiles will be priests
The one passage that suggests such an outcome is Isaiah 66
Or else the “them” in v. 21 refers to the brethren, meaning Jews, which is where I lean
Now we consider how the people of the Kingdom will engage in worship in the temple
First, the Lord says that all who enter into the court to worship must come in one gate and exit another
The worship mentioned here is that which takes place on the two feast days described above
And the prince leads the people in worship
And the offerings in v.11 are to be the same as on the Sabbath or new moon
But on those days, the worshippers must enter and exit in a specific way
Remember, there are only three gates in total in the outer wall
And we know that the east gate was permanently closed after the Lord’s glory entered
So that leaves only the north and south gates accessible
You enter by one, but you must leave by the other
>> Image 5
Why does the Lord have these worship requirements?
Take a look at the illustration of a group of worshippers crossing to exit the opposite gate
Notice they have to pass in front of the east gate of the inner court to reach the exit regardless of which gate they use
As they pass the east gate, they will be able to look into the inner court because the gate will be open on this feast day
So as they pass they will catch sight of the glory of the Lord
The point of the rule is to remind the worshippers of Whom they worship
The prince’s role to lead the people reminds us that the leader of God’s people is also the worship leader
Technically, a musician may lead the worship in our church
But spiritually, the pastor is the worship leader of the congregation
He leads worship in the word, of course, but he also has authority over the worship in song
So a pastor should always take an active, leading role in both, to some degree, just as we see David leading God’s people here
Looking at freewill offerings in vs.12-15 the Prince brings voluntary offerings to the east gate
The east gate will be opened for a voluntary offering like on a Sabbath day
As well, the priests were making daily sacrifices in the temple as is done in the tabernacle of Moses
In the Mosaic system, there is a lamb at the beginning of the day and another in the evening
In this system, there is only one at the beginning of the day
This is another difference that defies easy explanation
Next, we look at the gifts the prince may give to others
This passage describes how the prince, David, would share his wealth with his “sons”
Now this passage is intriguing on many levels
First, there is the simple issue of sharing an inheritance
We know from New Testament teaching that each believer receives an inheritance from the Lord personally
So when Ezekiel talks about the prince sharing his inheritance, it must mean transferring wealth
David is taking wealth that the Lord gave him and transferring it to his sons for whatever reason
Secondly, the Lord will not allow the allotment of inheritance in the land to change hands across tribal or family boundaries
David can give his wealth to his sons but not to other Jews in other tribes
And this rule is true for all Jews in all tribes
Thirdly, any wealth assigned to a servant must revert back to David when the servant gains his freedom
This detail tells us that there may be those in the Kingdom who serve others for a period of time to learn freedom from that service
In ancient Israel, a person would become an indentured slave or servant because of a debt owed
When the debt was repaid, the service could end
The same seems to be true in the Kingdom
It seems as though someone might serve the prince to repay a debt, and at a certain point they earn their freedom
Could these be glorified Jews? Natural Gentiles? We can’t be sure
But that leads us to the conversation (again) about natural vs. glorified Israel, and the mention of prince David offers us another look at that dilemma
As you’ve heard me say before, there are scripture verses that seem to say that all Israel will be glorified; which means no death and no marriage or children
But then there are passages like those we studied last week that seem to indicate that Israel can experience death and sin and have children
Death and sin are characteristics that only natural human beings can share, so that would argue that at least some in Israel are not glorified
But other passages seem to suggest that all Israel knows and follows the Lord perfectly, which requires glorification
Here we find another passage that suggests Israel has natural people within it
David is said to have sons, which implies marriage
But in this case, we have a second reason to pause because we know David will be glorified in the Kingdom
He has died, so he has left his natural body behind
So the only body remaining for him is a glorified new body
So we know David cannot marry or have children in the Kingdom, according to Luke 20:34-36
So how can he have sons?
It must be that sons refers to his resurrected descendants who are also present in the Kingdom
They are David’s sons in the sense that they came from his family line
It’s likely that this is speaking about later good kings like Asa or Jehoshaphat
So David can share some of the immense wealth the Lord gives him with his sons or servants but only the sons may keep the inheritance
And also the Lord says that the princes of Israel will take wealth from the citizens of the Kingdom
Though David and the others may share their wealth with each other or servants, they may not take from the wealth of the people
The leaders cannot steal the people’s possessions to make themselves richer
Each tribe in Israel has their part of the inheritance that the Lord has assigned to them and no more
Next, the Lord tells Ezekiel how the priests will work with the sacrificed meat in the temple inner court
We’re inside one of those side buildings that flank the temple inside the inner court wall, the priests’ quarters, specifically the one on the south side
>> Images 6-8
And in those buildings the priests boil the offerings and bake the grains offered to the Lord
Like their garments, these sacrifices can’t leave the inner court to be exposed to the people outside
Again, it seems these things are held in secret to keep people outside the temple seeing the glory of the Lord so that faith is required
In contrast to the secret sacrifice boiling in the priests’ quarters, there were public areas for preparing the sacrifices in the outer court
>> Images 9-10
In v.21 we’re told there are courtyards created in the four corners of the large outer court wall
These corner courtyards were 40x30 cubits in size
(66ft by 50ft)
Surrounding the courtyards was a masonry wall that formed a series of fireplaces for cooking
And on those fires, the priests were boiling the sacrifices that the people brought to the temple
Since these sacrifices were not offered by the priests inside the inner court, they did not possess the glory of the Lord
Furthermore, the sacrificial process required the worshipper to eat some of the sacrifice
So all this activity took place in the outer court away from the glory of the Lord
So looking at the Kingdom sacrificial system compared to Moses, we find similarities and differences
>> Image 11
Both systems include:
A physical Temple with God’s glory
Altars & sprinkling of blood
Burnt, meal, peace, sin, and drink offerings
Priests and ritual cleansing
Sabbaths and new moon offerings
Morning sacrifices
Feasts of Passover & Tabernacles
Year of Jubilee (release of servants & return of property)
But the Millennial system does NOT have:
Feasts of Pentecost, First Fruits, Trumpets and Atonement
High priest
Menorah & Showbread
Evening sacrifices
Zechariah gives us a concise overview of how worship at this temple will go from the perspective of other nations
Notice that the feast of booths is mentioned here but not the other Millennial feast of Passover
So it’s unclear if Gentiles celebrate that feast or only Jews
But in the case of Booths, the feast is mandatory for all Gentile nations
In fact, any Gentile nation that doesn’t go up will suffer drought
And the result of the drought will be a plague that results in nations dying
Obviously, this would refer to natural (unglorified) unbelievers
Finally, Zechariah confirms the worshippers will join together in the outer court cooking their sacrifices as Ezekiel described
But no Canaanite will be in the house of the Lord in that day
Presumably, a Canaanite refers to a pagan unbeliever
From here we will move into the topographical changes and tribal borders of the Kingdom…