Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongIn Chapter 6 of Ezekiel we move forward in studying the consequences of God’s judgment against Judah and Jerusalem
Last week in Chapter 5 the Lord explained the consequences that would come against the people in the city
We learned that two thirds would die but a third would be exiled
And from among these groups the Lord promised to preserve a remnant of believing Israel
That remnant would still experience the earthly judgments, since those judgments were required by the Old Covenant which bound all Israel
But they would be preserved through the judgments as a testimony to God’s faithfulness to the Abrahamic Covenant
Today the Lord addresses the consequences to the land of Israel
Specifically, the Lord explains how He will bring judgment against the high places of idolatry in Israel
Ezekiel’s charades are done for now, so the Lord asks him to speak to the people plainly
Nevertheless, Ezekiel is still delivering the message with flair
Ezekiel is told to turn and face the direction of Israel
So that as he delivers his prophecy, he is speaking as if addressing the mountains themselves
But as we see, the Lord isn’t angry at the land itself
He’s promising to destroy the “high places”
A high place is any place of Canaanite idol worship and particularly of sacrifice
When Israel entered the Promised Land under Joshua, the land was occupied
But the occupants had been judged by God as worthy of destruction
The Lord told Abraham centuries earlier that a day would come when his descendants would receive the Canaanite land
This would happen when the Lord’s patience over the Canaanites’ sin reached its limit
The Lord promised that Abraham’s fourth generation of descendants would occupy the land of Canaan
But before they could take possession of that land, they must displace and destroy the Canaanite inhabitants
These peoples were idolators who committed great sin for many centuries
But when their iniquity was complete, as the Lord said to Abraham, they would come to an end
But in the years that followed, the people of Israel failed to heed the Lord’s command to defeat the Canaanites and possess the land
As a result, the nation found itself living side by side with the idolatry and evil of the Canaanite people
Over time, the people adopted the Canaanite idols
And they substituted idol worship for worship of the true God of Israel
Evil kings of Israel and Judah set up high places across the land to encourage the people to worship false gods
In that way, Judah incorporated idol worship into the very landscape of Israel
On hills and mountains, on cliffs and ravines, by rivers and valleys, altars devoted to false gods dotted the landscape of Israel
The very first of these high places was set up by the tribe of Dan during the time of Judges
In the beginning, these high places were not centers of idol worship but rather Yahweh worship
The tribe of Dan had migrated far north away from their assigned territory and into new lands
Since the people were now living so far from the tabernacle, they didn’t want to make the long trip back to worship at Shiloh
So they set up a graven image of God and declared they would worship in Dan instead
Then over the centuries, the idea caught on
Jews who preferred not to make the long journey back to the tabernacle as required in the Law set up their own high places
Soon these high places dotted the land
Jews were practicing various forms of false worship at altars on every hill, mountain, ravine, etc.
And then other worship practices began to change as well
These worshippers were not believing Jews – they were not the remnant – so their evil hearts continued to lead them astray
Having already set aside the Law concerning where to worship, it was a small step to then change how they worshipped
In time they adopted the pagan gods of the Canaanite people living around them
Altars were now dedicated to Baal, Molech and other pagan idols
Jews agreed to be “priests” to these false idols
In addition to altars, whole temples were erected to these false gods
Then prostitution was practiced in these temples as part of the “worship”
Sacrifices graduated from merely animals to infants
Within a few generations, the nation’s religious practices were indistinguishable from the surrounding pagan people
Reading through Judges, 1&2 Samuel and 1&2 Kings, you can see idolatry in Israel progressing over about 500 years
Under Solomon’s rule, these high places gained legitimacy
Later, evil kings in the northern and southern kingdom embraced false worship
At times a good leader might rise up to to put a stop to these practices
But even then, the high places often remained
In time, the reforms would be forgotten and the people would return to their evil practices
It’s hard to believe how pervasive idolatry became in Israel, especially when we remember how the nation came into their land in the first place
God revealed Himself to the nation in miraculous ways
He performed miracle after miracle leading them out of Egypt and into the promised land
He did further miracles under Joshua and the Judges
He gave them the Law and the feasts to remember these things
He gave the nation great blessing in David’s day
And under Solomon, He made Israel the most powerful nation on earth
So how did they stray so far away from the Lord?
Remember how it started
First, they moved away from the Lord
They left His presence and left His word
Then they began to listen to the world’s counsel and to their own selfish, evil heart
The rest followed naturally
That pattern has never been any different
If you feel far from God, it’s not God Who moved away; you did
Like the tribe of Daniel, you’ve moved away from God, from spending time with God’s people and in God’s word
And you’ve gone so far that now you tell yourself you have reasons why you need to do things your own way
Before long, church is for other people, the Bible holds no attraction and your life resembles the world
Idolatry is a seductive thing…it draws us in quietly so that we rarely see it coming
Remember, high places in Israel began as alternative places to worship Yahweh
The Jews who built these places still wanted to worship the God of Israel
But they wanted to worship on their own terms
But that one little compromise was the wedge the enemy needed to pry their hearts away
Before long, they were worshipping pagan idols
Each step they took away from the word of God made the next one easier to take
That’s exactly how it works for us too
Rarely will a Christian move from a faithful walk with Jesus one day, to complete rebellion and apostasy the next
Instead, we make one small compromise today and another tomorrow
If left unchecked, we soon end up in a bad place wondering how we got there
As things bottom out, we ask ourselves when was the last time I went to church?
When was the last time I prayed or opened my Bible?
Why am I spending so much time in the company of ungodly people?
How did I fill my days with so many worldly pursuits?
How did my life get so messed up?
Where are you Lord?
You may never have thought of these things as idolatry, but it is
You don’t have to bow your knee to a wooden statue to be guilty of idolatry
You only have to set up high places in your life, things that substitute for obedience and devotion to the Lord
We establish our own ways to finding satisfaction, protection, provision rather than relying on the Lord and His word
The Hebrew word for idol is literally translated “dung god” and that’s what we’re talking about
We tell ourselves that the waste products of our consumption are our gods, our high places
The things we consume by whatever lustful appetite we indulge, become our masters, our dung gods
Do you have a high place? Well, ask yourself where do you turn when you feel vulnerable, when you feel empty, when you feel hurt?
If that place isn’t your prayer closet or the word of God…
Or if can’t be found within the fellowship of God’s people…then you’ve discovered your high place
That place needs to be taken down because it stands between you and your walk with Christ
Israel didn’t want to remove their high places because they had hard, unbelieving hearts
High places were the consistent feature of the land which stood to condemn the people
So now the Lord declares He will remove them personally by bringing a sword against them
Specifically, He will use the Babylonian army to accomplish this task
As that army moved through the land, they came upon Jews worshipping at high places
As they engaged these groups in battle, the Lord gave His people over to the Babylonians
The Babylonians were enraged against the people of Israel
This would be the third time they had to march into the land to subdue the people
They’re so angry this time that they are determined to crush any and all opposition
As they advanced the army tore down every altar it found and killed those worshippers gathered there
The dead were left unburied
Eventually, their bones lay scattered around the altars where they once worshipped
This outcome was be a bitter irony
Israel worshiped these idols expecting to receive favor
They expected their idols to grant them fertility, abundant crops and protection from their enemies
Instead, both shared the same fate
Israel’s idols were crushed and the people died
These so-called gods couldn’t save themselves much less protect Israel
Historically, this was a turning point for Israel
In the past when a good king put an end to idol worship and took down the high places, the reforms never lasted
Another generation later and the people had rebuilt the high places
But after the Babylonian conquest of Judah, Israel never again returned to these things
Wherever they’ve existed, whether in the land of Israel or outside the land, the Jews remained true to the Law of Moses
Never again were high places established in Israel
Never again did the nation embrace idolatry
Even today religious Jews are generally faithful to the Law and reject idolatry
This is remarkable departure from Israel’s past
Why hasn’t the nation fallen back into idolatry as it did so many times before?
Why did things change?
The Lord gives us the answer in the rest of the chapter
In v.8 the Lord mentions His remnant again, which brings us back to last week’s lesson
Last week we learned that the Lord intended to preserve a third of the people of the city
He preserved them by scattering them into the nations of the world
Among that group will be the remnant, a believing group of faithful Israel who were caught up in the judgments
Now we begin to understand how the Lord brings good things out of this tragedy
The Lord says in v.9 that those who survived and were scattered would testify to this experience
The remnant of believing Jews would understand that their ancestors had grieved the Lord’s heart by their idolatry
They will recognize that these terrible things were justified and they had no one to blame but themselves
They will come to loathe their sins and abominations and to repent from them
Because of this powerful experience, the remnant of Israel would “remember” the Lord among the nations
“To remember the Lord” means the Jewish people would remain faithful to the Lord wherever they lived
They would keep the Law, celebrate the feasts and observe a weekly Sabbath while residing in the Gentile nations
Notice in v.10 the Lord adds that these disasters wouldn’t come upon Israel “in vain”
He means that these terrible events will accomplish a lasting good for the sake of God’s people
First, they will recognize they brought these things upon themselves, as the Lord says in v.11
More importantly, it will lead the people to recognize they have but one true God
Notice the phrase “then they will know I am the Lord”
It appears three times in this passage, in v.10, v.13 and in v.14
In fact, that phrase appears 65 times in this book, because that was the problem
This nation had walked away from God and forgotten Him
They needed to KNOW the Lord was the only God
And through these one-of-a-kind judgments, the Lord left an indelible impression on His people
So they would come to know He was the Lord
The Lord says it will take Israel dying on every high place to accomplish this transformation
On every mountain and hill, and under every tree where Israel placed an altar, bodies would lie as testimony to the Lord’s wrath
By the magnitude of the disaster, future generations would be saved from wandering into the same mistake
Boy, what a hard way to learn a lesson, isn’t it?
We’re starting to understand why God’s judgment was so harsh
They sinned against their God in the worst ways possible and did it repeatedly
Until the Lord has no choice but to act in this way to correct the problem
He was acting to preserve His people from annihilation
It’s fair to say that had God not taken such drastic action, then instead of a third of Israel remaining, there would have been none
There still would have been people living in the land, but they would have ceased to be Israel
By sacrificing two thirds, the Lord was able to bring one third through a trial that resulted in a lasting faithfulness
That is a very hard way to learn to be faithful to God
Now we live under the grace of the New Covenant
So we may be tempted to think that the Lord could never respond in this way to us
But be careful
The word of God tells us that since we have been given an even greater covenant, we have an even greater obligation to live obediently
The writer reminds his Christian audience we must hold fast our confession without wavering
But if we should waver – that is if we waver in our pursuit of Christ just as the Israelites wavered in following the Lord God
Then we can expect the Lord to respond
The writer asks if failing to keep the Old Covenant resulted in a penalty of death, then consider what follows for the apostate New Covenant believer?
He doesn’t answer his question because he wants us to think about it
If those who violated a lessor covenant received such a severe penalty, then we shouldn’t be playing around here
We are in a blood covenant with the Creator God, and that relationship brings unfathomable blessings
But it also brings an obligation to live in the light of what we’ve received
So how do we meet that obligation?
The writer says it starts by doing the very things Israel neglected
Stay close to the Lord and to His people
Serve Him in good deeds and love
Don’t be drawn away to high places of one kind or another