Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongI mentioned last week that we’ve entered an extended section of the book running from Chapters 4-24
In that section, the Lord tells Ezekiel to issue warning after warning to Israel about the coming destruction of Jerusalem and Judah
Last week I explained how that judgment took place at the hands of the Babylonians
So already we have the big picture of the history of this event
But if you scan through the upcoming chapters, you’ll notice the theme doesn’t change much
The Lord continues to hammer away at what Israel has done to offend Him and He describes the severe consequences coming
At times He will use some very colorful and even vulgar terms to describe Israel’s sin
But in general, the message remains on the same theme
So anyone who attempts to preach through this book on a weekly basis is faced with a challenge of keeping the message fresh each week
Ezekiel is one of the least often taught books of the Bible in the church, probably for this reason
Most pastors are reluctant to make their congregations listen to God pronouncing judgment against His people week after week
Fortunately for you, I’m not that sensitive
Nevertheless, I recognize I need to consider ways to bring something new each week, and here’s how I intend to do that
Each of the next 20 chapters reveals some aspect of the coming destruction of Jerusalem
Some chapters describe the sins of the people that brought God’s wrath
Some chapters explain the coming judgments God will send against the people and the city
Other chapters reveal the departure of God’s glory from the temple or the silencing of false prophets or the removal of idols
There are even chapters where the Lord promises to bring the nation a heart of faith and return them into the land
So we’re going to focus on each chapter’s distinct perspective
We’ll read every word
But when a chapter repeats themes or concepts we’ve already studied, we’ll spend our time on examining other aspects
For the next three chapters beginning with Chapter 5 today, we study the consequences of the destruction of Jerusalem
Each chapter gives us a different perspective
Chapter 5 looks at the effect of God’s judgment on the people
Chapter 6 covers the effect of God’s judgment upon the land
And Chapter 7 covers the effect of God’s judgment on Israel’s prosperity
These three perspectives parallel the promises God gave to Abraham
The Lord promised Abraham he would have a people, a land and the blessing of an inheritance in the land
These promises are unconditional, and God will remain faithful to Israel in all three areas
But as Paul says in Romans, not all Israel are those who are descended from Israel
So those within Israel who ultimately receive these promises are those who share in the faith of Abraham = the remnant
So let’s move on to Chapter 5 and the consequences of God’s judgment against the people of the city, beginning with the final sign of Ezekiel’s charade
Last week God asked Ezekiel to make a miniature model of the siege of Jerusalem and to lie on his side next to the model for 430 days
These actions were to be signs to Israel of what was coming against the city
The city would be sieged and taken
And the people would be barred from free access to their city and temple for 430 years
Now we come to the third part of the charade, where Ezekiel will dramatize the effects of that siege upon the people
Ezekiel is required to shave his head and beard completely
The Law of God prohibited a man from shaving his head and beard under certain circumstances
In particular, a priest could not serve before the Lord with the sacrifices if he had shaved his head
So now the Lord orders Ezekiel to shave himself, which would have disqualified Ezekiel from serving in the temple
But there was no temple in Babylon and Ezekiel wasn’t serving as a priest
So in this case the Lord’s instructions resulted in Ezekiel’s humiliation and shame before the people
And this is part of the charade
Ezekiel is playing the part of Israel again
More specifically, Ezekiel’s hair is playing the part of Israel
The Lord tells Ezekiel to divide his hair three ways by weighing it on a scale
To weigh on a scale is a picture of God’s judgment, so the hair is experiencing a judgment of sorts
And the precision of the measurement emphasizes the discriminating nature of God’s judgment
God is assigning outcomes to various groups in precise ways
Jerusalem’s population will be divided into thirds, and each third will experience a different fate
One third will die in the siege on the city as represented by the hair burned in the fire of the city following the siege
Another third will die by the sword of the Babylonians as they flee the city
And the final third of Ezekiel’s hair was to be scattered to the wind, symbolizing the scattering of Israel among the Gentile nations of the world
These refugees will be driven away from Israel and into the world at the point of a sword
From the perspective of the people suffering these judgments, everything will appear random and without meaning
They will see their city and lives destroyed
They will watch as their family and countrymen will die around them while others are left captive, away from Judah
But the Lord is telling them now what’s going to happen so they will understand that it’s not random
It’s a plan of God executed as judgment against an unbelieving and ungodly people
But this isn’t to be the end of Israel
Notice in v.3 that the Lord commands Ezekiel to separate a few hairs out of the three groups and set them aside
These few will be bound in the edges or hem of Ezekiel’s robe
The edge of a man’s robe symbolized his character and authority
So by binding the hairs in his robe, Ezekiel is indicating that these few hairs share in Ezekiel’s faithfulness
Those hairs represent the remnant of Israel
The remnant is an important concept in Scripture
The Bible tells us that though Israel is very numerous, only a small group of Jews are truly believing in God
This small group is the true Israel
We might call this group those who are “saved” in Israel, but the Bible calls them the remnant
Similarly, we could consider those within the church as part of the larger Israel, but only those true believers as the “remnant”
The Lord is telling the people that in the midst of this destruction He will preserve His remnant, those believers within Israel
But notice they are not spared from the judgment entirely
After all, Ezekiel is a part of that remnant, which is why the hairs were bound into his hem signifying they are like him
So they are righteous like Ezekiel, but yet they will go into exile like Ezekiel too
The Lord promises not to preserve them from the judgments
It was a promise to preserve them through the judgments
And at the end it is the remnant that returns to Jerusalem – as we find in Ezra and Nehemiah
Remember, these judgments are required by the Old Covenant
The Old Covenant binds the entire nation to a single fate
Within that are the remnant
But they are saved by their faith, so they can share in the future of Abraham
So God promises Abraham and his descendant that they will have wonderful things, but it is their faith that makes that possible
No matter what calamity befell Israel for their failure to keep the Old Covenant, nevertheless the remnant still had assurance of eternal life – and the promise of preservation
But then notice in v.4 that Ezekiel is told to burn some of those remnant hairs in fire
When the Babylonians came to capture the city, some of the remnant were not interested in going into exile
They did not accept the word of the prophet Jeremiah when he told them that God appointed this scattering and they must go
Instead, these rebellious believers decided to escape to Egypt before the third attack on the city
They ask Jeremiah to confirm that they Lord will be with them when they go to Egypt
So Jeremiah prays and then gives them the Lord’s answer
The men were so disturbed by what Jeremiah told them that they claimed he was lying and they decided to go to Egypt anyway
They were determined to disobey the Lord’s instructions
And to punish Jeremiah, they kidnapped the prophet and forced him to go to Egypt with them
Jeremiah eventually lived out his remaining years in Egypt
Ezekiel tells us that the Lord will judge these rebellious believers for disobedience
That judgment fire is the same one that engulfs all the people of Israel
It didn’t matter if they hid in the city or in the hills or fled to Egypt, they would see judgment
You can run, but you can’t hide from the Lord
This reminds us that God’s remnant, believers, may face consequences for disobedience
We see two principles working together in this example
First, God’s people may experience bad things because God is working around us in things that are much bigger than us
But still the Lord hasn’t forgotten about His remnant, and He will preserve us through these trials
The good things He has for us in the course of a trial can only be received through the path He has assigned for us
Remember the Lord said through Jeremiah that if the remnant went into captivity obediently, the Lord would preserve them there and bring them back in due time
That leads to the second principle: believers must remain obedient to the Lord even when His commands don’t suit our preferences
Now Ezekiel has finished the charade, so it’s finally time to speak to the people
Finally the Lord speaks to Israel through Ezekiel, and in the word Ezekiel shares, the Lord declares four points
First, He reminds Israel of the privilege God gave them
In v.5 He says they are set in the center of the nations of the earth
Remember, Israel was not a nation before God made it
He created a people out of one man and his barren wife
And then He grew that people to the point they could conquer the land and establish a nation in His name
They were assigned a place at the center of the earth, a place where east and west crossed, where all the nations of the world would take notice
That reflected the Lord’s desire for Israel to be a light among the nations
Israel was supposed to witness to the Living God and His Law by keeping His statutes and ordinances before pagan nations
And in return, the Lord would protect and bless Israel
That leads us to the second point in v.6: Israel’s unfaithfulness
Israel was unfaithful to the Old Covenant and not just a little unfaithful
Ironically, Israel adopted practices even more wicked than those practiced by the ignorant nations that surrounded her
In v.7 the Lord observes that though Israel had God’s law, they were even more evil than the pagan nations that didn’t know the law
Instead of being a source of light to the world, Israel became a black hole
Which leads to the third point in v.8: God declares judgment against them
Because they were more wicked than the other nations, the Lord will bring them a calamity greater than He brought any other nation
He says in v.10 that the nation will see fathers consuming their children or sons consuming their elderly parents
As terrible as this sounds, it’s an accurate description of what we know happened inside the city as I mentioned a week ago
Lamentations describes the scene this way
The Lord’s fourth point is found in vs.12-17, the consequences
As we learned in the charade, the nation would be split into thirds
Some dying of famine, some of sword and the rest scattered
The Lord would have no pity on His people, because their sins were so great
The story of Judah’s downfall would be one calamity after another
Notice in the concluding verses of the chapter the Lord speaks of wild beasts taking children, of more famine, more bloodshed
The destruction of Jerusalem and her people would be the worst disaster any nation had ever seen or will ever see
Moreover, the Lord says in v. 9 that He would never repeat this episode again
Other disasters would come and will come for Israel
But never again would Israel experience something like this
Privilege, unfaithfulness, judgment and consequences
Israel was privileged by God but responded with unfaithfulness which led God to bring judgment with terrible consequences
Has God been fair to Israel through all this?
Well, let’s consider this pattern again
God gave His people a privileged place to serve in the world, but He also gave them everything they needed to succeed
He blessed them with a land that was bountiful and beautiful
He sent them teachers and inspiring examples like Joshua, Samuel, and David
He gave them judges (and kings when they demanded one) to guide them in the right way
He even made provision in the Law for sacrifices to cover their sins and maintain the covenant blessings
So who do you blame?
And even when they demonstrated unfaithfulness, the Lord still gave them plenty of second chances
He gave them priests to intercede for them with sacrifices
He sent them prophets to correct them
He still gave them rain in the proper season and abundant crops
He even gave them victory over Israel’s enemies even as they were adopting their pagan practices
So who do you blame?
Eventually, the Lord had to bring judgment, but only after showing long-suffering mercy by His patience
He waited patiently for centuries before acting against them
Entire generations of evil came and went without God acting
At times He acted to discipline them, but when the people cried out, He would hear them and restore them
This pattern happened time and time again
So who do you blame?
Finally, despite the severity of the consequences, the Lord continued to show mercy to His people even after the judgment
He cared for their physical need in exile
And while in exile He continued to speak to them by His prophet
And after their exile, the Lord brought Israel back to her land
So who is to blame?
And before you judge, remember the Lord also preserved a remnant of faithful, believing Israel, even in the midst of their apostasy
We rest in the promise that despite our sin, we will be with Him
He has been gracious beyond measure
Both for Israel and for us
But disobedience has consequences
Thankfully we are saved from those consequences by our faith in Jesus Christ