Taught by
Wesley LivingstonTaught by
Wesley LivingstonToday, we arrive at our last session in our study of the book of Jude.
Over the course of this study we discussed several things. We discussed:
The immense love of the Father in choosing and loving us in His election of us.
The Spirit calling us to the very family of God by means of regeneration.
And the keeping power of God in the caring hands and arms of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Master.
After the outpouring of love and the use of this identifying and possessive language, Jude moved to the purpose of this letter.
What began as a focus on our common salvation, shifted to a message of knowing well what we believe.
That primary message for believers was to “contend for the faith”.
That believers in Christ must wrestle well with what they believe and know doctrinally and theologically.
We witnessed Jude’s abrupt directional change in this letter was due to the Holy Spirit’s leading.
With false teachers creeping into the church unnoticed, Jude’s desire was that believers in Jesus not be fooled or waver in what had been taught.
He used several Old testament examples to illustrate for the reader how false teachers behaved then and even now.
Ultimately, we surmised that false teachers are wicked men who are unbelievers and are unregenerate in their hearts.
It’s clear that there is a distinct separation between believers and unbelievers.
And Jude makes it known from these men’s characteristics to their deeds, just how far from God these false teachers are.
This morning we will see in verses 17-25 that Jude will now give these groups of believers, and us today, a message of endurance.
This will be a declaration of such, to believers, that we must preserve and persevere in the teachings of the apostles and of Christ.
And we will see that the only means by which this message and this doctrine can be kept is by God himself.
If I were to put a tag to the text this morning it would be this, “Now Unto Him”.
With that being said, let's read verses 17-25 together.
Let’s pray.
As a parent, one of our greatest joys is the beautiful gift of our children.
From the moment of birth throughout the entirety of their lives, our children are able to distinctly know our voices.
I recall a time in my childhood, where I had wandered off from my mom in the store.
The moment I realized she was gone and I was lost was the moment that heat began to overwhelm my body and panic took the lead.
I’m searching through every aisle in the store to find my mom.
After looking through every aisle I could find, I realized there was only one more option.
So as loud as I could I called out to my mom, “Momma, Mamma!”
It was at that moment that, amongst the chatter and the music playing in the store, that I could hear my mother calling out to me.
As I got closer, her voice became more and more prominent.
As my mother’s eyes locked with mine, I immediately ran towards her knowing that her presence was where her protection and provision was.
Needless to say, from there on out, I stayed right by her side because I knew what not remaining with her, in her presence, looked like.
As followers of Christ, we have this tendency to wander from our Heavenly Father at times.
Jude in these last few verses will show us this morning that it is in fact the Lord who eternally keeps us in His love, protection and graces.
Even when we get in our own way and begin to go astray.
Because we are His, we will never be lost.
To further explore how Jude will express this biblical truth, pick me up at verses 17 and 18.
Before we can dive into these next two verses, we can’t be so quick to move past the first 3 words, “But you, beloved”.
If you recall from the beginning of this letter, Jude starts the letter out in the same warm and loving tone as in verse 17.
Notice, first that he begins this sentence with the word “But”.
As we all know, what comes after the but is much greater than what came before the but.
It is clear, from our last session, that verse 16 was concluding not only the characteristics of these false teachers, but it summarized their end.
We also see a similar summary of their end found in the prophecy of Enoch, according to the apocryphal literature, the Book of Enoch.
Just to jog your memory, check out verse 15 with me once again, from Enoch’s prophecy:
It’s clear from the use of the word ungodly mentioned four times in the text that judgment is reserved for the unbelievers who have rejected Jesus.
Jude now begins to show contrast once again as he moves from addressing the deeds and destination of unbelieving men to that of believers.
Again, Jude states in verse 17, “But you beloved”. Notice, Jude’s focus is now set upon the body of believers.
And yet again he wants them to know that they are fully loved in Christ and set aside as children of God.
Jude continues in that same verse by mentioning that believers in Christ “ought to remember what the apostles of Christ spoke concerning the false teacher.”
The phrase “ought to remember” here is one word in the Greek.
It is the word mimnēskomai which means to recall and is a passive imperative.
I mention this detail because a passive imperative is a command that is directed to you, in which you are not the active doer but rather you are the cooperator or recipient of someone else’s doing.
However at the very same time you still retain responsibility.
C.E.B Cranfield I believe, best explains the meaning of what an active passive imperative is, check out what he says using Romans 12:2.
Here is what Jude is showing us: That believers in Jesus Christ, should constantly be being reminded of the warnings the apostles gave regarding false teachers.
If the Holy Spirit brings about guidance and teaching for the believer in Christ, then the believer should actively be sensitive to the Spirit's leading.
Meaning that as followers of Christ, we must be discerning based upon the truth of God’s word that we know and should be living it out.
In other words we should both remember and respond.
Here is what Paul tells young Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:1
We must be committed to what the scriptures teach so that we may conform to the truth of the text and not the whims of this world.
Again, the reality of these false teachers and false teachings creeping into the church is not new news.
Here is some food for thought: Who will you allow to be the loudest voice in your life, that of the Spirit or that of the flesh?
Let's keep moving on to verse 19, which contains our eleventh triad.
Jude, in verse 19, categorizes these false teachers in 3 ways. These 3 distinctions will totally sum up the very nature of false teachers and their teachings.
Jude states that these men:
Cause divisions
They are worldly-minded
They are devoid of the spirit.
Let’s look at the first category: They cause division.
Simply put, these false teachers' primary aim in coming in unnoticed is to cause separation within the body of Christ.
These types of men are motivated when disruption and confusion arise.
If they can cause a shipwreck to your spiritual life, or sow seeds of doubt for what you believe, they consider it a win.
The second category is: They are worldly minded.
This word literally means “merely natural”. Natural in the sense that these men are carnal and instinctive in their behaviors.
Whatever drives them is not from any spiritual motivation but from their natural sinful desires.
These men crave for their own appeasement.
Paul mentions this idea of being worldly-minded in this way:
And lastly, the third category that Jude mentions regarding the false teacher is: They are devoid of the spirit.
Jude restates what he has mentioned throughout the majority of this letter; these men are unregenerate.
The ability to move from spiritual death to spiritual life is only a work that God Himself, by His Spirit, can accomplish.
This outworking of God’s power within the life of a spiritually dead man or woman is just that! An inside to outside transformation
Something that is dead cannot make itself alive unless that thing is made alive!
Friends, in order for anyone to be saved they must be born-again! And this work is not done by the hands of men, but by the hands of our Sovereign God!
I find it beautifully orchestrated in how Jude ends verse 19 talking about false teachers being devoid of the Spirit, but juxtaposes with the phrase “But you, Beloved” at the beginning of verse 20.
Have you ever, for a moment or time, in your life sat and thought, God chose me?
I mean really think about it for a moment. God had you in mind as your name was being recorded in the lamb’s book of life in eternity past.
What a grace that is to know that God, who is rich in mercy and grace, looked down through the corridors of time and said, “He’s mine, she’s mine!”
Friends, may we never lose sight in the beauty of the message of the rebirth!
Let’s keep moving on, verse 20-21 where we will see the twelfth triad.
It should be clear now at this point, who Jude is referring to once again. He is referring to the believer in Jesus, one who is filled with the Spirit of God.
Jude, now, moves the hearer and the reader of this letter to some action that the believer in Christ must do in order to contend well for the faith.
Over our past few sessions we understood why we needed to contend, but now Jude gives us instructions on how the believer should accomplish it.
Jude gives 4 steps for contending, but remember, he is giving us the how.
Before he gives us the four steps, he uses the term “building yourselves up”.
Why doesn’t he just use the word “build yourself up” instead of “building yourself up”.
The answer to this question comes down to language and sentence structure.
When Jude used the word building, we must recognize he used it in the present, active tense. This word is also a participle.
So Jude, before he even gets to the 4 ways in how we must contend for the faith, he makes it known that we should continually, always be doing these things.
This list that Jude is about to share is not a one and done type of thing.
Contending is a forever present doing and requires constant diligence and building up.
So let's keep moving forward so that we can see what the believer must continually be doing. Jude mentions we must do the following:
Build ourselves up in our most Holy Faith
Pray in the Holy Spirit
Keep ourselves in the love of God
Wait anxiously for the mercy of our God
Jude first mentions that the believer in Christ should be “building ourselves up on our most holy faith”
Jude expresses here as he has mentioned from the beginning of this letter, that we must be growing in what we know.
Remember, faith, here in the text, is not referring to belief or believing. This is understood based upon the writer's audience.
So we can surmise, once again, that this faith means a trust of belief upon what we know, which is our doctrine.
As one theologian stated, “Doctrine is the content of what is believed”.That what we have been earnestly taught by the apostles’ teachings on Christ over the years, is what must be constantly built upon.
In light of this reality, being built up presupposes that there is already a foundation laid.
The foundation that the apostles have laid down for the body of Christ is what Paul delivered to us which is of first importance.
Check out 1 Corinthians 15:1-4:
Christ is the foundation that has been laid for us to know and to grow in grace.
If Christ is not the foundation to our faith, everything else ceases to be.
Friends, all other ground, apart from Christ, is sinking sand.
The question then becomes, how do I build myself in the most Holy faith?
Jude mentions how in the very same line: You do this by praying in the Holy Spirit.
To understand this fully, we must first clear up a typical misunderstanding from this part of the text that many charismatic denominations get wrong.
To pray in the Holy Spirit is not a matter of speaking in tongues.
Speaking in different languages has nothing to do with the topic in which Jude is discussing.
The word “in” in the Greek is en. It means according to or in union with.
So when we read this second point that Jude makes, he is literally saying we must pray according to the Holy Spirit or in union with the Holy Spirit.
This changes things, friends! It also begs another question: How do we get in union with the Holy Spirit?
We know that the Holy Spirit’s role is to teach us, guide us, convict us of sin, but also to conform us into the very image of Christ.
This happens through a process we call, sanctification.
That as we seek more of the word of God and as we grow in our understanding of the scriptures and obey the Lord’s instruction, we begin to become more and more like Christ.
Sanctification is when God, by His Spirit, is actively transforming our hearts and minds into the very image of Christ and moves us to actively participate in obedience to His word!
The outworkings of sanctification can only be fully realized when you get off the bench and get in the game.
So, practically, what does that look like:
Being effectual doers of the word.
Meditating upon the word of God day and night.
Putting feet to your faith; not simply hearing the word and yet doing nothing with it.
Building a foundation actually requires work, and Jude leaves no room here for the believer in Christ to be lazy.
My question for us is this: Are you yielding to the inward workings of the Holy Spirit in your life?
Next, Jude says the believer should “Keep themselves in the love of God.”
Naturally, as you spend more time with the word of God and more time in prayer to see the word of God transform you, you begin to develop a deeper love for God.
You may be familiar with this quote by John Wimber where he says:
“Show me where you spend your time, money, and energy and I’ll tell you what you worship…”
The same holds true regarding keeping ourselves in the love of God.
The phrase “keep themselves” is in the active imperative here, meaning that there is a command to be accomplished.
Jude is not merely suggesting to think about staying in the love of the Lord, but he is commanding the believers to stay in and be constantly in Christ.
The phrase “keeping themselves” in Greek is the word tēreō. It means to keep or to observe.
What is it that should be kept or observed?
It is what the author of Psalm 1 says we should be meditating on day and night.
Check out Psalm 1:1-3
Scripture reveals to us that we stay in the love of God by staying in the word of God!
It is His word that we must delight in.
It is in His word that we find fullness of joy.
It is in His word that there is peace.
It is in His word that there is everlasting love.
Jude, in a few short words, is telling the hearers of this letter that we must abide in Him.
John 15:9 makes it plain for us to see in the text, check it out with me:
May I put my feet on your coffee table and lean into this a bit and ask the question: When was the last time that you abided with Jesus?
When have you spent enough time with His word that you lost track of time and by the time you finish, an hour or two has passed?
I can hear some say, “I work 10-12 hrs a day”, “I have the kids all day”, etc, etc.
Hear me, I am not saying get fired from the job because you’d rather read your bible all day.
What I am alluding to is this: We must divorce ourselves from the idea that the bible is somehow a “checklist activity”.
The more time you spend abiding with Christ the greater your love for Him will be because it moves from just lip service to feet service.
Lastly, in verse 21, Jude says “waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life”
After Jude hits us with the first three emphatic imperatives, he puts the icing on the cake.
Many scholars have discussed how this last phrase, potentially, throws off the triplet movement of Jude’s writing here.
I, personally, believe that this is a fourth imperative that could easily be connected with keeping ourselves in the love of God.
The reason why I say this is because when you look at the word “waiting” here in the text, the Greek suggests there is something to be received.
Literally, that there is this waiting with anticipation for a particular eschatological event.
This mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life is what Jude mentioned in our last session.
Not only is this anticipation upon the rapture, the Lord taking us with Him in the clouds to escape the tribulation, but it is also that of His Second coming!
Friends, the mercy here that Jude is speaking to, is the ability to escape what we know we rightfully deserve.
The fact that our hearts have been regenerated and we have moved from spiritual death to spiritual life is a reason to rejoice.
This is all possible because of God, it is all sustained by God, and it all brings glory to God!
Recognize that although these are imperatives that Jude gives the believers in Christ to do, we are able to do them because of what God has graciously and mercifully done and is doing for us.
Let’s keep moving on.
In our last Jude session, I mentioned that Jude would give us a method by which we could put into practice on how to contend for the faith, right?
Well in verse 22-23 we will see just that, let’s see what Jude shows us here.
This is what it says:
Verse 22-23 contains our 13th Triad.
As we approach these 2 verses, we must approach it understanding that at this point of the letter, who is Jude addressing?
He is not addressing those who are unbelievers, he is addressing those who are in Christ – those who are saved.
Some scholars have approached this part of the text to believe that somehow, Jude is talking about believers and unbelievers alike in this section.
However, if we read it in its proper context, it is clear that Jude is referring to believers that are in three distinct categories.
Let’s explore them together.
The three groups that are indicated are believers engaging with other believers who are struggling with their faith. The groups are as follows:
Those who doubt
Others needing to be snatched out of the fire
Others showing mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh.
Let’s examine the first group: Jude mentions that believers must have mercy on those believers who are doubting.
That word doubt here in the Greek simply means to waver.
In other words, this person is saved, but has heard some false teaching and is confused as to what teaching is correct.
They could potentially see no difference between the two teachings doctrinally.This could be a new believer that is truly on fire for God and His word but comes across a false teacher that sounds good and comes under the guise of Christianity.
Jude mentions that with brothers and sisters in Christ who fall under this category, have mercy on them.
Show them compassion as you lead them in a loving way back to the truth of the word of God.
Paul mentions a similar approach in 2 Corinthians 2:7 where he says:
Jude, in verse 22 is alluding to a key piece in discipleship regarding believers who are new to the faith:
Have compassion and patience towards them just as Christ who is rich in mercy has shown you much grace and compassion.
As believers in Christ who have walked with Jesus for long periods of time we can tend to come across as “snooty’', as if we have been saved all of our lives.
Don’t forget that God’s mercy met you in the muck and mire.
Be compassionate yet without compromising the truth for the sake of the saints.
Secondly, Jude says “Save others by snatching them out of the fire”
Here is where some scholars have gotten this wrong and it is my prayer by the leading of the Spirit that we get this right.
When the average reader reads verse 23 and they see the word fire, they connect this to eternal fire or hell.
However, this is not the meaning nor the intent of the writer. Remember these are believers we are talking about.
Because these are believers, we can trust without a shadow of a doubt that salvation is not in question here.
We are eternally kept and secure in the Father and sealed by the Spirit of God, kept for Jesus Christ.
We can rest on the finished work of Christ, for sure, Hallelujah!
What this does for the reader is it moves us to ask the question, what is the “fire” and being snatched from it mean for the believer?
Jude here is speaking about believers that have bought into this false teaching and are moving into being discipled by these men.
Friends, if I can pause here to say, this is why knowing our bibles is so important.
This is why the big C church has to move beyond simple 3 point messages and should teach the whole counsel of God.Young people are leaving the church by the thousands because pastors are not teaching the bible and we are not equipping the saints for ministry work.
Discipleship in the church is not a means to gather socially on occasion.
It must be a fervent commitment to build each other up in the most holy faith, holding each other accountable and remaining in the love of God.
Check out what Peter states in 1 Peter 3:15:
Jude’s desire for believers falling into apostasy is to avoid sin and abstain from ruining the witness of Christ with stains on their garments.
This leads us to the last part of this triad.
Jude completes this triad by saying “and on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment polluted by the flesh”
If you notice in the text, Jude mentions mercy once again, however this time he mentions mercy with fear.
How do we show mercy to others with fear?
Jude connects this need to be fearful while still having mercy in the second half of this verse.
He uses this illustration of “hating even the garment polluted by the flesh.”
This becomes a clear and confirming relationship to our triad in this verse.
Jude is not speaking about the believer going to hell here, he is speaking about their deeds, or behaviors.
That as we are trying to bring other believers who have fallen away from the truth, we must be careful, ourselves, not to fall into sin.
Revelation 3:3 makes mention of this distinction between filthy garments and remaining in Christ and being cleansed by the Lord.
Check out the text:
It's like when you are on an airplane and the flight attendants are going through their routine safety check.
If you are familiar with this process, you know that they get to the part in their instructions where they discuss the oxygen mask.
They tell you if the plane descends and cabin pressure drops, the oxygen mask will deploy for safety purposes.
They then present to you a clear instruction: Once the oxygen mask comes down, we must put our oxygen mask on ourselves first before the child next to us.
At first, you think, how is that being compassionate to the other person?
But the reality is, how can you be of any service to that person if you, first, are not equipped to assist them.
Here’s what Jude is saying: The fear of God should instruct our cautious dealings with the believer, because if you are not well equipped, you will become stained yourself.
Understand that this particular believer must be someone that is spiritually mature and yet still cautious in their approach to this believer that is deep in false doctrine and filthy deeds.
What I pray that you do not miss here is the fact that if the believer is not abiding in the Lord by reading and meditating upon the word, they can become prone to wander.
The goal for the believer therefore, is to abide in Christ and remain in His love, through praying in accordance with the Holy Spirit.
And by having this healthy, reverential fear of God, you can be cautious not to give way to sin.
The sobering question that should come to mind is, how is all of this accomplished if, in my broken humanity, I am naturally prone to wander and sin?
Here is where we should rejoice and be overwhelmed by the goodness of God. Check out the last two verses.
Jude wraps up his letter to these Jewish believers in Christ by concluding with this beautiful doxology.
The word doxa in the Greek simply means glory or glorious. Doxa in connection to God deals with His reputation, his very presence, and holiness.
So what Jude does is he expresses in this conclusion God’s Glory and reputation in such a way that showcases God’s holiness and Power.
“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling”.
Notice here in the text, who is the one able to keep you from stumbling. It’s not us.
That although God has given us His word and His Spirit to persevere through the troubles of this life, recognize it is God who is keeping us.
I love this reality because it shows us that we as believers in Christ MUST be ever-dependent upon God in all that we do.The only way in which the believer in Jesus Christ can overcome apostasy is if the believer is in Christ.
Jude continues on by mentioning that it is “God who is able to make us stand in the presence of His Glory blameless with great joy”
If we have a proper Christology, we recognize that the only reason that we are able to even stand righteous before our Holy God is because of Christ.
Colossians 1:22, Paul states this present reality in this way:
Friends, it is Christ who has made the blameworthy, blameless.
It is Christ who has justified us.
It is Christ who has reconciled us.
It is Christ who became the propitiation for our sins.
What should bring us to our knees in worship everyday is the fact that Christ knew what He came to do and that it brought Him great joy.
If you don’t believe me, check the text for yourself in Hebrews 12:2, the author of Hebrews states:
Not only is this joy demonstrated through the crucified Christ, but it should produce joy within the hearts of believers in Christ.
Friends, there should be an unexplainable joy because we realize what we have been saved from and who we have been saved to.
We have been saved from the very wrath of God and an eternity in hell.
Peter helps us understand this joy a bit more in 1 Peter 1:8 where he says:
Joy is the effectual response of every born-again believer.
And here we arrive to our last verse, verse 25.
Not only does Jude demonstrate the fact that Christ is our God and Savior, but he mentions that Jesus is our Lord.
Christ is our Master and Savior, for He alone has the power to save, and because of that:
He is the one that we submit to!
He is the one that we are to obey!
Jude continues on by pointing to the supremacy and excellencies of our Great God by stating, “to Christ be Glory, Majesty, dominion and authority,”
In other words, Christ is the holder and sustainer of all things.
Paul makes mention of the glory and splendor of God in this way. Check out Romans 11:36 with me:
Christ always has, always will, and will continually remain to be exalted in Heaven and in the earth.
Christ, friends, is all in all! He is the author and finisher of our faith.
He has made salvation available for all in whom the Father has foreknown.
This points us to a clear Christological point: Jesus is God
If for some reason the believers in Christ doubted the very person of Christ due to false teaching of that time, Jude makes it clear.
Christ has always been with the Father.
There has never been a moment where the Son was not intimately known by the Father.
I find it interesting that although the Holy Spirit moved the direction of the meat of the message to contend for the faith, it still concludes in matters of soteriology.
This simply goes to say that to understand matters of doctrine and right behavior, requires that you evidently see a proper Christ.
Jesus’ incarnation embodies the very means of theology and doctrine dwelling among us!
His life was seen. His teaching was heard. His life is on display for all to see.
His death to pay a debt we didn’t deserve.
His resurrection, a receipt to show that death has no sting and victory is in Him alone.
This is the joy that Jude says we as believers in Christ share. This is our common faith.
And because we share this faith, we must contend well for it!
Jude ends this letter by saying, “Amen”.
Amen, simply means in the greek, “So be it or let it be so”
And together, in the fellowship of truth, we as believers stand in agreement in the words of Jude here, as we end this study, and we say, Amen and Amen.
Let’s Pray.