Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe don’t have to study the Bible for long before we’re confronted with teaching on covenants
The Bible makes frequent mention of covenants
A covenant is a Bible word for a solemn agreement between two parties
Covenants came in different forms, but they all bound the parties to each other for some purpose
Every work of God in His creation is done on the basis of a covenant
God uses covenantal agreements to reveal Himself and His plans to men
Since God’s word is unbreakable, every covenant God makes is permanent and completely trustworthy
And these moments are important mile markers in God’s plan for history, for they set the terms for how men and God will relate to one another
A covenant is established in very specific ways, using specific rituals to mark entry into the agreement by each party
Sometimes Scripture records these moments clearly enough that we can see the covenant coming into place
Other times, the effects of the covenant can be seen, but the ritual that led to its establishment isn’t described in the text
We could use the example of a marriage covenant
A marriage begins through a series of rituals that note the beginning of the relationship
Sometimes we are present when a marriage begins and we witness the marriage covenant ritual
Other times we meet a married couple long after the wedding ceremony took place
We know they are married and therefore we know there was a marriage ritual performed even though we didn’t witness it ourselves
In Chapter 15 today, we find Abram about to receive a covenant from God
And the covenant comes in response to Abram’s questions from last week
In v.2 Abram asked God what he might give Abram since he had no heirs
As we learned last week, Abram was asking God what good would it be for him to have the land if he had no one to inherit it?
Abram knew that it was meaningless to acquire something only to lose it at the end of his life
God responded by assuring Abram that he would have many heirs, as many as the stars
And Abram accepted God’s promise because He believed God’s word
And by his faith in God’s word, God counted Abram’s faith as righteousness
Proving that men are given righteousness by God on the basis of faith, not works, and we may follow in Abram’s footsteps
Abram’s conversation with God continues in v.7
This encounter began with God assuring Abram he would be protected and blessed
Abram responded with his question about an heir
God answered with His promise for many descendants
Now God reminds Abram that He was the One Who called Abram from Ur and gave him this land to possess it
And then Abram responds with another question
Before we examine the question, we need to get inside Abram’s head for a moment
What did Abram think when he heard God say I brought you here to possess this land?
For example, we already know that Abram is living as a nomad in the land
The writer of Hebrews tells us clearly that Abram, and Isaac and Jacob after him lived in tents because they understood God’s timeline
They understood that they wouldn’t possess the land until after their deaths
They weren’t expecting to receive their inheritance until after they were resurrected and returned to live in the Kingdom of the Messiah
So Abram knew that the promise of the land was not to be fulfilled in his lifetime
And that brings us back now to the conversation between Abram and God
God says once again that Abram will have this land to possess it
What does Abram think as he hears these words?
He knows that the promise of the land won’t be fulfilled until after his death
And he has God’s assurance that a multitude of descendants will come after him, and they will inherit the land as well
So Abram asks a reasonable and even obvious question
How can I know that I will possess it?
There are two reasons to ask a question like that
One reason is to seek proof because you doubt the promise
You ask for proof because you don’t trust the person and the proof will be your assurance
A second reason is to seek confirmation, something tangible you can cling to while you wait for the fulfillment
And when we remember that Abram wasn’t expecting to see the promise fulfilled in his lifetime nor in the lifetime of his descendants, it’s reasonable to see him asking for assurance
What he wants is something he and his descendants can point back to and remember the covenant, even during the generations before it is fulfilled
At this point, God honors Abram’s request by presenting him with a covenant ritual
First, God gives Abram instructions on the preparations for the ritual
God affirm His promises to Abram by means of a covenant ritual
To prepare, God instructs Abram to bring Him a collection of five animals
And then Abram was to prepare them by butchering the larger animals into halves and laying them in a row facing one another
The two birds were not cut but were killed and likely set facing one another
The halves were probably only a foot or so apart based on the tradition for covenants
We must also imagine that as Abram butchered the animals, it was a bloody affair
Some blood was spilled as the animals were initially killed
But even afterward as their carcasses lay on the ground, the blood in the meat would have drained further creating pools of blood on the ground
This was the point of the exercise…to create a graphic depiction of death
This explains (in part) why there was a delay between when Abram cut the animals and when the rest of the ritual took place
God gave time for the blood to collect
There is a second symbolic reason for the delay which we will address in a minute
This also explains why the birds weren’t to be cut, since it wouldn’t produce a meaningful amount of blood
These steps were standard practice in establishing a blood covenant
The animal blood was a substitute for the blood of those entering into the covenant
It was a graphic way of demonstrating that should either party break the promises of the covenant, this is what would happen to them
The other party would have the right to spill their blood
In fact, the Hebrew phrase for entering into a covenant is literally “cutting” covenant
Which refers to the cutting of animals as part of the ritual
The animals didn’t go to waste
After the ritual, they were roasted and the meat was shared in a covenant meal
The sharing of the meat was significant because as both parties took the meat into their bodies, they were united
The sacrificed meat was symbolic of their own bodies, and now that flesh was a part of each man’s body
They became united in the way they both ate the flesh that had represented their death vow
The carcasses lie on the ground so long that they eventually attract vultures
Abram knows that these carcasses are important to God’s purposes, so he scares the vultures off
This is a curious scene, and it’s our first hint that this ritual communicates more than simply the terms of the covenant
It is also a picture of how God will work through Abram and his descendants in this covenant
Abram is made to wait for God to perform the ritual because the wait itself is a picture of how this covenant will be fulfilled
And the arrival of the vultures to pick apart at the sacrifice is another picture
But at this point the pictures aren’t clear, because the answers are given in the last section of the chapter
Most of the day has passed, and darkness come
And in that moment God places Abram into a deep sleep
The description of sleep here in Hebrew is the same as we saw in Genesis 2 when God placed Adam into a deep sleep to remove his rib
This is a supernatural sleep, once that renders the person incapacitated but not unconscious
We notice here that Abram still felt the terror and great darkness from the Lord’s presence
Even Abram, a man who had been counted righteous by faith was still sinful
So as the holiness of God approached, Abram had the natural reaction…terror
And God uses this special form of sleep because it renders the person unable to act or respond, yet leaves them able to understand what was happening
Adam’s sleep allowed him to understand what God was doing so that he might understand where woman came from
Here it permits Abram to understand
While Abram is in this deep sleep, God begins to disclose more of His plans to Abram concerning His promises
God opens with a surprise announcement
Abram’s descendants would live outside the promised land
Take note of the way God begins His statement
“Know for certain…”
God assures Abram that his descendants will only settle in the land after having left centuries earlier
We come to understand Abram’s real concern based on what God says here
Abram seems concerned for whether his descendants will remain in a faithful relationship with God or whether they will forfeit the promises
The Jewish commentary on this chapter thought that Abram asked for this assurance because he feared that his descendants would sin and anger God
If so, then God might take away the land and Abram wouldn’t see it in his resurrection
We don’t know if this is true, but it makes some sense
God’s statements here suggest that this entire moment was the result of Abram’s insecurity over God’s promises of land for his descendants
So God begins by saying, “Yes, Abram, they will live outside the land. You can be certain of that…”
It sounds as if God is addressing the real question in Abram’s heart
And to make matters worse, God goes on to say they will be enslaved and oppressed
God wisely doesn’t name the place we know will be Egypt
For Israel must take this detour and naming the nation might have stopped the plan from happening
As an aside, the date of 400 years does not describe the time they were in bondage…they were only in Egypt 215 years
It represents a count of years from the time Isaac is weaned until Israel leaves Egypt
The years between the arrival of the promised son until Israel’s receiving of her next covenant
Just as Abram’s fears are running wild, God continues with the good news
God will keep His promises to Abram and bring his descendants out with many blessings
Though Abram will not live to see these things, God reminds him
When it says you go to the grave in peace, it means without experiencing the slavery that is to come
And after four generations, the people will return
The four generations refer to the generations that leave and return
Exodus 6 tell us that Levi left the land and four generations later, his descendant Moses brought them back
Now we can appreciate the earlier delay when Abram ran off the vultures while waiting for God
We can see some of the symbolism of this chapter coming together
God tells Abram that the nation would be set outside the land for hundreds of years
And that would result in a delay for the people occupying the land
Earlier we saw the carcasses lying exposed for a period of time while Abram waited for God to return
And during that time, unclean animals tried to pick at the sacrificed animals
But Abram stopped them
Do you see a beautiful picture emerging here?
The covenant God is extending to Abram also applies to Abram’s descendants, his children to be called Israel
And there will be a delay in the Lord bringing the covenant into reality for Israel
Just as there was a delay in God beginning this ritual
And in the time while the delay occurs, Israel will be picked apart by vultures – so to speak
The vultures are a picture of Egypt
But Abram was able to keep the vultures from destroying the covenant symbols thus allowing the covenant ritual to go forward
Likewise, Abram is the key to Israel returning to the land
Specifically, God’s promises to Abram are the means to Israel being rescued from Egypt
We could say that Abram kept the vultures of Egypt from destroying Israel
Abram’s covenant saved Israel
Curiously, God says the delay is made necessary because the sin of the Amorites isn’t complete
Literally, God is telling Abram that the Canaanite people in the land will be given a certain time for their sin to be complete or full
Once that time is reached, then God will use Israel to conquer and judge these people under Joshua
Therefore, Abram’s descendants can’t enter the land until that fullness is reached
Plus, the delay gives time for Abram’s descendants to grow numerous
God will grow Israel while they are in Egypt, so that when they come out of slavery they are mighty enough to subdue the land
This second reason yields yet another picture for us
God tells Abram that his descendants can’t occupy their land until a Gentile people are first given their full time under God’s plan
And once that time is complete, then Abram’s descendants will enter the land as promised
Today we can see this suggesting Israel’s scattering during the time of the Church, when God is giving opportunity for Gentiles to repent
And when that time is complete or full, then God will permit Abram’s descendants to enter the land
Finally, after that explanation, God initiated the covenant ritual for Abram and his descendants
God leaves Abram in the deep sleep and then proceeds to manifest Himself through these symbols
God shows Himself as smoke and fire
The text literally means “smoking pot” and “rising flame”
I believe these looked the same as those that led Israel in the desert
A column of smoke, round in shape like a pot
And a rising flame, like the kind that comes from a torch
As smoke and flame, God gives Himself a non-incarnate form
And then He proceeds to move through the pieces of meat by Himself
Normally, both parties would move through the meat signifying that both parties were obligated to keep the covenant
As men walked through the pieces of meat, they wore long robes that would become blood stained at the hem
This signified their acceptance of the covenant under penalty of death
But here, only God takes an obligation upon Himself
He alone is obligating Himself…an act of grace
We see the connection with the number 5 and “grace” represented by the 5 animals
The specific covenant promise in the ritual is spoken in vs.18-21
Abram’s descendants would receive the land between the Brook of Egypt and the Euphrates River
This is a span of land Israel has yet to own
And yet God has obligated Himself to this very promise
Clearly, the promise has yet to be fulfilled
For we are still in the period of delay, which God pictured through the time of waiting in the afternoon
But night fall will come upon the Earth
And in that period of darkness, Abram will protect his descendants, just as he protected the carcasses from the vultures
God will remember His promise to Abram, and the Lord will appear out of darkness to rescue Israel and bring Her into the promised land
Remember I said earlier that covenants are established with rituals
But even before this ritual was conducted, God has already been acting for Abram
God acted first to bring Abraham out of Ur
That led to Abram’s faith in God and it was credited as righteousness
And finally, with faith came relationship in a covenant along with rituals to affirm that covenant…like our communion meal today